Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sorry, we are down for technical difficulties

On account of I threw my laptop out of the window.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you just didn't want to get up and face the day? Possibly because you witnessed your team experience a most humiliating defeat at the hands of yet another Manning. And not even the Manning Who Matters [only slightly more], though that one did seem to get just as much, if not more, screen time than kid-Manning.

Seriously, what the fuck. There were so many things wrong with that game that it's incredibly hard to fathom. It started when I realized that Fox was broadcasting the Super Bowl. FOX. Who the hell keeps letting them cover football? Shouldn't they have had their broadcasting rights taken away back in Super Bowl XXXVI, when they failed to capture the bench reactions at the end of the game? That's like Super Bowl film 101; even my friggin' Grandma knows that. And they were so blatantly biased towards the Giants that it was just ridiculous. Maybe even ridonkulous. Also, what was up with the screen chemistry between Joe Buck and Troy Aikman? It's amazing they were able to keep talking football when so engrossed in each other's eyes. Maybe it was some twisted form of foreplay. WHatever it was, it just left us all feeling dirty.

Do you happen to know where our offensive line went? Because I didn't see them at the game. I saw some people who looked like them, but they must have been stunt doubles, or slightly retarded clones. I thought the point was to prevent the other team from pressuring your QB, not rolling over and letting Brady take it up the ass. But what do I know? Well, I know that there was a feeling of foreboding that settled like a brick in my stomach as soon as the team came out of the tunnel . . . one by one, rather than our traditional TEAM huddle. What the hell was that about? Especially after that whole spiel about teamwork. Where was the friggin' huddle?! Maybe if they'd remembered to do it then, we would have had an offensive line, rather than that pile of mashed ass that it was reduced to play after play.

And Brady? Apparently we should have all spent less time worrying about his ankle and more time questioning his arm, or more so his eyesight. Seriously, what was he throwing at half the damn time? Watching him play last night was like watching a cat. You know how cats act wicked retarded and chase and stare at things that aren't there? Yeah, maybe if we all had cat eyes like Brady did last night, things would have made slightly more sense. Only slightly, though.

But the offense doesn't deserve to be the sole focus of my wrath. I've been unfair in stating that we lacked teamwork, because it definitely took a team effort to produce that Super Bowl Suck-Fest. And when we suck, we don't do it half-assed. Even the kicker sucked. What the hell was with that one damn kick? And explain to me why our defense couldn't take Manning down when they had sooo many opportunities. They practically gift-wrapped half of those third-down conversions for the Giants. Don't even get me started on the guy that pulled a vanishing act and let Burress get open for that tou-tou-tou--- travesty. And let's not forget Belichick and the Field Goal That Should Have Been. Total buzz kill.

The game was so traumatizing that it continued to haunt me even after I'd gone to bed. It haunts me even now. And on this cold, dark morning on the T, I wasn't the only one who had traded their Pats beanie for Red Sox. It was interesting to look around and note the complete absence of anything Pats related, aside from front page of the Metro which showed Brady with head down and "PERFECT DISASTER" in large, bold print, angrily clutched between my own fingers and that of the other commuters.

What a perfect fucking mess.

Sully the Diehard Pats Fan said...

Thanks, Ang, I couldn't have said it better myself....

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone in the stands had a laser pointer and was creating chaos?

Sully the Diehard Pats Fan said...

Dustin...are you indirectly trying to say that YOU were that someone? Well?!? Answer the QUESTION!

Anonymous said...

Go back to Canadia, Dustin! We don't want your kind here.

Anonymous said...

If it had been me, it would have been a laser scope!


Anonymous said...

Quit pretending that you actually watch football. Aren't you taking precious time away from stalking Christian Bale by being here?

Anonymous said...

I watch real football. Like games that don't includes the patriots. They don't even get their name capitalized. And I know where Christian Bale is at all times. Don't change the subject!

Sully the Diehard Pats Fan said...

The fact that you know where Christian Bale is at all times is both creepy and intriguing at the same time....

Anonymous said...

I hate to crash the party Pats Fans, but next year will be the year of The Redskins! As sick as at made me feel to root for the hated rival Giants was I was happy to see them put the arrogant Pats in their place. It was not until about an hour after the game that it hit me!!! The Giants 2 Super Bowl Championships were in 1986 and 1990 and guess who won it in each of the follwing years?? Could lightning strike a 3rd time? World Champion Redskins 87',91' 2008'? Stew on that CHOWDERHEADS!

Sully the Diehard Pats Fan said...

Considering a new coaching staff, a cash strapped cap and the fact that the Redskins couldn't trip into a super bowl if their shoelaces were tied together, I'm taking that bet....